BeInfinity Allowance

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Educators say children need since they are small, learn notions of responsibility. This idea comes with a financial control. When a child is educated to manage money, to have limits on accounts and tact to manage earnings, this child will have no major problems as an adult, save and keep finances in blue. Therefore it is paramount that parents teach their children to save. A good way to do this is by giving an allowance, and with that, teach them to value the economy.

The amount of the allowance, of course, will depend on the pockets of parents. Who can most certainly will want to give more, but there is an optimal value for each age group. To set the allowance, you may provide a very simple equation: From 6 to 10 years old, you must pay weekly, the value corresponding age of the child. Example, the 7 year old boy should receive seven dollars per week. The 8 year old boy get 8 dollars per week. From 11 to 14 years, the same equation remains, however, the money should be paid per month. Example, the 12 year old son will receive 48 dollars per month, which equates to 12 dollars per week.

As stated, from 6 to 10 years, children should get their money a week because young children have difficulty in thinking in the long term, so the buck it should be given a week, so they will not spend it all in one time. From the 11, you can now teach your child the responsibility to make the money last all month.

BeInfinity Allowance is the perfect tool to help you with this task.

You can easily set up your child allowance value.

Define a list of deductions and link them to each of you children.
I.E.: One of you child don not wear glasses, so you dont have link a deduction related to it.

With a simple swipe of your finger you will increase or decrease the number of occurrences for a deduction and BeInfinity Allowance will calculate the balance for you.

At each cycle you will have the ability to send a report of the period to your e-mail.

Intuitive and beautiful themes to apply. You can customise the background color and image.

Your children can check the actual amount they have to receive using the Read Only Mode.

Available in English and Brazilian Portuguese.

And better it is free!